
18 February 2020

Upgradation of SQL Server 2008r2 to 2014 Fails - Valid DSN, Valid Database compatibility level

The below error screen will appear during installation process, the fix is very simple step we need to configure the SSRS database, below screens are self explanatory.


Open SSRS Configuration Manager and  configure the report server database.

Once its configured we can see below screen.

Re-run the rules and it should go through.

17 February 2020

SQL Server 2014 SP3 Fails - User Data Directory in registry is not valid

Below is the error screen we receive when the SQL Server SP3 Fails, please follow below steps to resolve the issue.


Step1: Go to regedit

Step 2: Crawl to below location

Step3: If there is no DefaultDATA and DefaultLog entries, please add with the path of DATA and Log Files. If exists please verify the location details and correct it.

Step4: Restart the server.

Step5; RUn the setup again.