
19 July 2012

Cluster group

Cluster group

The cluster group command is used to create a new cluster group or administer an existing group. Used without parameters, cluster group defaults to the /status command-line option and displays the status for a group.
cluster [[/cluster:]ClusterName] group GroupName /Option
/node: NodeName
Specifies the node that owns the group.
Displays the status of a group (online, offline, or Partially Online).
Creates a new group.
Deletes a group.
Renames a group.
/move[to][:NodeName] [/wait[:Timeout_in_Seconds]]
Moves a group to another node.
/on[line][:NodeName] [/wait[:Timeout_in_Seconds]]
Brings a group online.
/off[line][:NodeName] [/wait[:Timeout_in_Seconds]]
Takes a group offline.
/prop[erties] [PropertyList]
Views or sets the group common properties.
/priv[properties] [PropertyList]
Views or sets the group private properties.
Displays a list of preferred owners.
/setowners: NodeName[,NodeName ...]
Specifies a preferred owner.
Displays help at the command prompt.
  • Using the cluster group command

    The cluster name is optional. If the name of your cluster is also a cluster command or its abbreviation, such as "cluster" or "group," use /cluster: to explicitly specify the cluster name. For a list of all the cluster commands, see Related Topics.

    With /move[to], /online, and /offline, the command-line option /wait[:Timeout_in_Seconds] specifies how long Cluster.exe waits before canceling the command if it does not successfully complete. If you do not use the /wait option with the /move[to] command, Cluster.exe waits 20 seconds. If you do not use the /wait option with the /offline or /online commands, Cluster.exe waits 10 seconds. For the /move[to], /online, or /offline commands, if you use /wait without specifying a time-out period, Cluster.exe waits indefinitely or until the group state changes.

    If a node name is not specified, the Cluster service will automatically select a node following the move and failover logic described in Determining failover and move policies for groups.
  • Using the /stat[us] command-line option

    The group name is optional. If you do not provide a group name, status for all groups is displayed.
  • Using the /prop[erties] [PropertyList] command-line option

    The group name is optional. Properties for all groups are displayed if group name is not provided. For more information on property lists, see Related Topics.
  • Using the /priv[properties] [PropertyList] command-line option

    The group name is optional. Private properties for all groups are displayed if you do not provide a group name. For more information on property lists, see Related Topics.
  • Using cluster group common property names

    The following table describes the common cluster group property names, their uses, and valid settings:
 More on :-

Database Logshipping - Sql 2008

Introducing Sub-Minute Log Shipping in SQL Server 2008

SQL Server 2008 enables log shipping jobs to be scheduled with frequency in seconds. In SQL Server 2008, SQL Server Management Studio and the stored procedures sp_add_jobschedule and sp_add_schedule allow frequency settings in seconds, minutes, and hours. The minimum frequency is 10 seconds.

SQL Server Cluster Service Packs - Imp Points

How to apply Service pack on SQL Server 2005 Cluster

1. Backup of all the System and User Databases

2. Windows Login account with "Local Administrator" privileges on all the nodes involved

3. Ensure all the recourses part of the SQL Server Cluster resource group are online.
   I recommend to reboot both nodes before installation. (to avoid pending reboot, hanging installers, terminal sessions etc. problems.)

4. Cross check if the cluster failover on the nodes involved successfully.

5. shut down all applications that use SQLServer (because you know the instance(s) will get offline at some point(s) during the upgrade)

6. Disable if any DDL Triggers

7. Verify if following services online on the nodes involved.

    Task Scheduler
    Com+ System Application Service
    Cryptographic Services
    Remote Registry Service 

8. Pause Database Mirroring

    Log on the active node, apply the Service pack. You cannot install SP3 from any passive nodes in the fail over cluster.
    After SQL Server 2005 SP3 has been applied, it cannot be removed without uninstalling SQL Server 2005 completely on both cluster and     stand alone instances.

How to apply a service pack of SQL Server 2008 cluster

1) Apply the hot fix on passive node

2) Reboot the passive node

3) Fail-over on SQL resource: the passive node become the active node

4) Apply the hot fix on the passive node

5) Reboot the passive node

The main difference in installing Service packages between SQL 2005 and 2008 is the type of node which will be launched a service package.
In SQL server 2005, the SP could be launched on the active node, but in SQL server 2008, you must apply the SP firstly on the passive nodes.

SQL Server 2008 fail over cluster rolling patch and service pack process :

How to move cluster group

c:\cluster group

Listing status for all available resource groups:
Group                Node            Status
——————– ————— ——
Available Storage    HV1DC2          Offline
Cluster Group        HV1DC2          Online
SCVMM Resources      HV1DC1          Offline

c:\cluster group "Cluster Group" /Move:hv1dc1

Moving resource group ‘Cluster Group’…
Group                Node            Status
——————– ————— ——
Cluster Group        HV1DC1          Online

you can use the following commands to change the cluster group to another node in the cluster


move-ClusterGroup –node NodeName

where NodeName is where you want to move the group.

Command Line:

cluster group “Cluster Group” /Move:NodeName

where NodeName is where you want to move the group.

10 July 2012

Tail Log Backup

Tail log backup is taken in below ways:

If the database is online follow below syntax:

BACKUP LOG [database name] TO [backup device] WITH NORECOVERY

If the database is offline (example a corrupted database which does not start]

BACKUP LOG [database name] TO [backup device]  WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR

07 July 2012

SQL 2012 - The remote server does not exist, or has not been designated as a valid Publisher, or you may not have permission to see available Publishers.

Step 1: Check the Log Reader agent account
Step 2: Agent account must be owner, If not make him DB_OWNER
Step 3: This will resolve in the next synchronization


Step 1:  Check SQL Agent is Local System
Step 2:  Log Reader agent running under Impersonate Account
Step 3:  Change the SQL Agent to Some other account which has access
Step 4:  The Step3 will restart Agent, Once Its UP in next synchronization data will be in sync.

05 July 2012

Database Replication - Backup and Restore

It is important for you to regularly back up your replication databases and test to

make sure you can restore those backups. You need to regularly back up the following

replication databases: the publication database, the distribution database,

subscription databases, and the msdb and master databases at the Publisher, Distributor,

and all Subscribers. If you perform regular log backups, any replicationrelated

changes should be captured in the log backups. If you do not perform log

backups, make sure to perform a backup whenever you change a replicationrelated


You can restore replicated databases to the same server and database on which

you created the backup. If you want to restore a backup of a replicated database

to another server or database, note that replication settings will not be preserved.

In this case, you must re-create all publications and subscriptions after

you restore the backups.

Database Replication - Performance Improvement

You can use SSRM and System Monitor to determine baseline values for the following

key factors in replication performance:

■ Latency The amount of time it takes for a data change to be propagated

between nodes in a replication topology.

■ Throughput The amount of replication activity (measured in commands

delivered over a period of time) a system can sustain over time.

■ Concurrency The number of replication processes that can operate on a system


■ Duration of synchronization How long it takes a given synchronization to


■ Resource consumption Hardware and network resources used in replication
