
29 July 2014

SQL Server 2012 SP2 failure - Validation for setting 'FAILOVERCLUSTERGROUP' failed. Error message: The cluster group cannot be determined for the instance name 'DBSQLPW80PA''

Error :

01) 2014-07-26 22:41:02 Slp: Sco: Attempting to get directory information for path C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\
(01) 2014-07-26 22:41:05 Slp: The failover instance name 'DBSQLPW80PA' does not exist.
(01) 2014-07-26 22:41:05 Slp: Validation for setting 'FAILOVERCLUSTERGROUP' failed. Error message: The cluster group cannot be determined for the instance name 'DBS80pA'.  This indicates there is a problem with the product registry setting for ClusterName, with product discovery, or the cluster resources.
(01) 2014-07-26 22:41:05 Slp: Validation for setting 'FAILOVERCLUSTERNETWORKNAME' failed. Error message: The SQL Server failover cluster instance name 'DBSQLPW80PA' could not be found as a cluster resource.
(01) 2014-07-26 22:41:05 Slp: Error: Action "Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SetupExtension.ValidateFeatureSettingsAction" threw an exception during execution.
(01) 2014-07-26 22:41:05 Slp: Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.ActionExecutionException: The cluster group cannot be determined for the instance name 'DBS80PA'.  This indicates there is a problem with the product registry setting for ClusterName, with product discovery, or the cluster resources. ---> Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.InputSettingValidationException: The cluster group cannot be determined for the instance name 'DBS80PA'.  This indicates there is a problem with the product registry setting for ClusterName, with product discovery, or the cluster resources.

Resolution :

SStep 1.     Failover SQL Node A to Node B  

2Step 2.  On Node A, backup existing registry entry “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.DBSQL30A\Cluster”
SStep 3.     On Node A, update existing registry entry “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.DBSQL30A\Cluster” to DBSQLPW80PA

4Step 4.     Reboot Node A
SStep 5.      Apply SQL 2012 SP2 and hotfix to  on Node A

14 July 2014

Long Running Jobs Alert

Copy the below code and schedule the job on the server :-

 SELECT AS [Job_Name]
 , CONVERT(VARCHAR(23),ja.start_execution_date,121)  AS [Start_execution_date]
 , ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(23),ja.stop_execution_date,121), 'Is Running') AS [Stop_execution_date]
 ,DATEDIFF(SECOND,CONVERT(VARCHAR(23),ja.start_execution_date,121),ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(23),ja.stop_execution_date,121),GETDATE())) as Duration
 into #jobhist
 FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs jobs
 LEFT JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity ja ON ja.job_id = jobs.job_id
 AND ja.start_execution_date IS NOT NULL
 --where not like 'repli%' and name not like '%mirr%' and name not like '%distribu%'and name not like '%subscript%' and name not like '%sys%' and name not like '%pub%'

 select *
 , convert(varchar(10), (Duration/86400)) + ':' +
convert(varchar(10), ((Duration%86400)/3600)) + ':'+
convert(varchar(10), (((Duration%86400)%3600)/60)) + ':'+
convert(varchar(10), (((Duration%86400)%3600)%60)) as 'DD:HH:MM:SS'
into #JH
 from #jobhist where stop_execution_date='Is Running' and start_execution_date is not null

declare @NumStDevs int = 2

SET @tableHTML = 

' + @@SERVERNAME + ': Long Running Jobs Alert :

' + 
   N'' + 
   ' + 
   N'' + 
   N' ' + 
   CAST ( ( SELECT td = job_name, '', td = start_execution_date, '', td = stop_execution_date, '', td = [DD:HH:MM:SS] 
      FROM #jh where Duration>(360*24) /* for 1 day */
           FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE  
Job Namestart_execution_dateCurrent_StatusDuration[DD:HH:MM:SS]
' ; 

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
 @profile_name = 'DBPROFILENAME',
    @subject = 'LongRunning Jobs',
    @body = @tableHTML,
    @body_format = 'HTML' ;

 drop table #jobhist
 drop table #jh

06 July 2014

Shrink Transaction log DB Replication

First check what is causing your database to not shrink by running:
SELECT name, log_reuse_wait_desc FROM sys.DATABASES

If you are blocked by a transaction, find which one with:

Kill the transaction and shrink your db.

If the cause of the blocking is 'REPLICATION' and you are sure that your replicas are in sync, you might need to reset the status of replicated transactions. To see the status of what the database still think needs to be replicated use:
DBCC loginfo

You can reset this by first turning the Reader agent off (I usually just turn the whole SQL Server Agent off), and then run that query on the database for which you want to fix the replication issue:
EXEC sp_repldone @xactid = NULL, @xact_segno = NULL, @numtrans = 0, @time= 0, 
 @reset = 1

Exec sp_replflush

Close the connection where you executed that query and restart SQL Server Agent (or just the Reader Agent). You should be all set to shrink your db now.

Cannot connect to WMI provider. SQL Server Configuration Manager

1. Copy sqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof to the path C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Shared or C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Shared
2. Open CMD in elevated privilages
3. C:\Windows\system32>mofcomp "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Shared\sqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof"



19 June 2014

Limiting No Of Rows and Sizing the bufferon SSIS

Adding Columns to Replicated Tables

sp_repladdcolumn @source_object =
   , @column =  'newcol'
   , @typetext = 'INT'
   , @publication_to_add = '       of publication authors is
      included in>'

Moving Database Files on the secondary server in Log Shipping



You are using Microsoft SQL Server Logshipping for one of your VLDB (very large database). You would like to move data files on another disk on the secondary server without reconfiguring log shipping.

As you cannot use the detach/attach database, you could follow the way below :

This solution is inspired of the documentation "Moving Database Files"

Step 1 : If your secondary is with the option "Standby Mode", you must change by "no recovery mode". And perform a transaction (insert, delete or update)
After, you have to manually run the job of backup, Then the jog of copy and the restore job.

Step 2 : Collect the logical name :

  name as logicalname, physical_name as filename
  database_id = DB_ID('yourDatabaseName');

Step 3 : Move the file on the path expected :

ALTER DATABASE yourDatabaseName
MODIFY FILE( NAME = logicalname, FILENAME = 'M:\newpath.mdf')

Step 4 : Stop SQL server service, move the database file and start SQL server Service

Step 5 : Check that the update is ok with the query below :

  name as logicalname, physical_name as filename
  database_id = DB_ID('yourDatabaseName');

You can follow the same way to add a file to a log shipped database. 

29 May 2014

user is not able to access the database "msdb" under the current security context.


Symptoms when the guest user is disabled in the msdb database

USE msdb;
SELECT AS grantee_name, perms.*
FROM sys.database_permissions AS perms
JOIN sys.database_principals AS prins
ON perms.grantee_principal_id = prins.principal_id
WHERE = 'guest' AND perms.permission_name = 'CONNECT';
If you receive a result set that resembles the following, the guest user has the necessary permissions. 
If you receive either an empty result set or if the state_desc shows DENY in the result set that is mentioned here, the guest user is disabled in the msdb database. You may receive error 916 when you connect to a database.

How to resolve the issue

USE msdb;
GRANT connect TO guest;

27 May 2014

Add Article Replication _Simpler Way

Use Test_Model
Exec sp_changepublication 'Test_model_pub','allow_anonymous',false
Exec sp_changepublication 'Test_model_pub','immediate_sync',false

sp_addarticle 'Test_model_pub', product5, @Source_object=product5
sp_refreshsubscriptions 'Test_model_pub'

sp_startpublication_snapshot 'Test_model_pub'

Editing Published SSIS Package in SQL Server 2012

Editing Published SSIS Package in SQL Server 2012

Many Thanks  :-

So, you have inherited a set of SQL Server 2012 Integration Services projects that have been deployed on a server. Your company do not use source control so you can’t easily see what was last published (Oh no!!). Or, you have deployed something on the server but you are not sure if it is the right version. Bottom line is you want to inspect or to edit a package that is already published on the server. Unfortunately at the moment  there is no way of just quickly downloading that single SSIS package.
SQL Server 2012 Integration Services now is now making use of  Project Deployment Model. For more information, read it here. Back to the issue at hand, if you want to get a copy of what is in the production, in summary, there are two “easy” ways of doing so.
A. Creating a new project in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) and import the project from existing catalog.
B. Exporting the project into ispac file via SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

Caveat: Both these options require access to the project on the server.

Option A: New Project

1. In the New Project dialog box of SSDT, browse to Installed Templates > Business Intelligence Integration Services on the left navigation pane.
2. Choose Integration Service Import Project Wizard option, enter the Name, Location and Solution Name accordingly. Then click OK to proceed to the next step.
Integration Services Project Wizard
3. Click Next on the Integration Services Import Project Wizard window
SSDT - Integration Services Project Wizard - Introduction
4. On the Select Source dialog, choose Integration Services Catalog. Then provide the details of the project on the server that you wish to import.
SSDT - Integration Services Project Wizard - Select Source
SSDT - Integration Services Project Wizard - Select Project

5. Follow the rest of the instruction.
SSDT - Integration Services Project Wizard - Validation
SSDT - Integration Services Project Wizard - ReviewSSDT - Integration Services Project Wizard - Results
6. Once the project is created, you can browse to the package(s) that you wish to inspect. In my example here, I have  4 connection manager files and 9 dtsx files.
SSDT - Integration Services Project Wizard - Project Created
This option is one of the safest / simplistic ways of getting SSIS project from the server. All the components in the Project, such as Project Variables and Project Connection Managers are kept in tact.

Option B: The shortcut

1. Navigate to the SSIS project on SSMS; i.e.  [Server Name] > Integration Services Catalogs > SSISDB > [Project Folder] > Projects > [Project Name] as shown on the picture below.
SSMS - Export SSIS Project
2. Right click on the [Project Name], then choose Export….
3. Choose the destination folder on “Save As” to save the .ispac file
4. Navigate to the folder where the file has been saved and rename the file extension to .zip file.
5. Browse the zip file and you should be able to see the .dtsx file(s).  Please note that in this example, I have 4 connection manager files and 9 dtsx files.
Browse zip file that was renamed from ispac
6. Now you can extract the desired .dtsx file(s) from the zip file.
Note: If the server is in Production, you could ask your DBA to export the .ispac file of the project (Step 1 & 2). Then you can continue with Step 3.
Special thanks to Josh Fennessy (b | t), for providing Option B.

Would it work for SSDT Visual Studio 2012?

Update – 6 March 2013: Both options work for Visual Studio 2012 too. (Read Microsoft announcement on SQL Server Data Tools – Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2012). At the time of writing (a few minutes of exploring SSDT Visual Studio 2012), everything works the same for Option A. There is a major face-lift with monochrome look.

SSDT - What it looks like in Visual Studio 2012

Wrap Up

Integration Services in SQL Server 2012 introduces Project Deployment Model. This means that accessing a single SSIS package that has been published from the server is not as trivial. This article describes two ways of accessing the desired package(s) or the project as a whole from a server. Option A, which is importing the package from the Integration Services Catalogs is the safest way. Option B, is a shortcut method that is recommended only for advanced level users.
This article does not describe how the pros and cons of the new Integration services Project Deployment Model as it is covered in a couple of blogs as listed on the Further Reading section.