
15 April 2015

SQL Server Agent - xp_readerlog[] returned error3 -System can not find the path specified

Here in the steps to follow:

EXEC msdb..sp_get_sqlagent_properties

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_set_sqlagent_properties
@errorlog_file=N'PATH'  -- N'k:\MSSQL10_50\MSSQL\Log\SQLAGENT.OUT'

EXEC msdb..sp_get_sqlagent_properties

Restart SQL server agent.

10 April 2015

Query to verify Replication on the SQL Server Instance

 select name, is_published, is_subscribed, is_merge_published, is_distributor
  from sys.databases
  where is_published = 1 or is_subscribed = 1 or   is_merge_published = 1 or is_distributor = 1

13 March 2015

Distribution Agent Errors _OS Error

Error 1:
The process could not read file T:\ Microsoft SQL Server\\MSSQL\repldata\\ due to OS error 3. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL20016)
Error 2:
Cannot DROP TABLE 'dbo.PrFlagAon' because it is being referenced by object 'VW_FlsAsoU2'. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 3729)
Error 3:
One or more BLOB columns could not be sent to the server, attempt to recover from the problem failed.

The error occurs in pull subscriptions because the remote distributor you must specify a UNC network share such as \\\snapshot rather than a local path for the snapshot folder. 
To alleviate this issue, make the snapshot folder a UNC network share and update the Distributor Properties to reflect the change the path.
Drop and recreate or reinitialize subscription with new snapshot.

Resolution 2:
The view is a schema bounded and which is creating the problem. Login to subscriber go to the database script out the view. Once you have script drop the view until it applies the snapshot on the subscriber.
Once applying snapshot is completed and replication applies all scripts re-create the views which are dropped in the above step.

Resolution 3:

This will fix automatically as the data is BLOB and if any network packet drop outs will cause this. If this a IMAGE type and failing each time, then MSDN says that to replicate LOB data, using "Distribution Profile for OLEDB streaming" profile is optimized.

09 March 2015

The subscription(S) have been marked inactive and must be reinitialized.

Error Message:
Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent DBA\DBA-EPDW-EPDW-DB6C\DB6C-5 failed. The subscription(S) have been marked inactive and must be reinitialized. NoSync subscriptions will need to be dropped and recreated.
At publisher:

use distribution

STEP 1: select * From distribution..MSsubscriptions
P.S:  Note down publisher_id, publisher db name, publication_id , subscriber_id and subscriber_db name of whose status is 0
Status of the subscription: 0 = Inactive; 1 = Subscribed; 2 = Active
subscription_type 0=PUSH, 1=PULL

STEP 2:  Update Status to 2
if exists (select 1 from distribution..MSsubscriptions where status = 0)
UPDATE distribution..MSsubscriptions
WHERE publisher_id = '--publisher_id -- will be integer --'
    AND publisher_db = '--publisher db name ---'
    AND publication_id = '--publication_id -- will be integer --'
    AND subscriber_id = '--subscriber_id -- will be integer ---'
    AND subscriber_db = '-- subscriber_db ---'
print 'The subscription is not INACTIVE.. you are good for now .... !!'

STEP 3: Right click on subscriber and choose view synchronizing status

STEP 4: Click Start

STEP 5: Observe the replication monitor for any issues, if no replication is in Sync.

To review pending commands to replicate. At publisher:

use distribution

exec sp_browsereplcmds

06 March 2015

KILL permissions on SQL SEREVER

Here You Go:


USE [master]
CREATE LOGIN [TestUser] WITH PASSWORD=N'testuserpassword' 
GRANT ALTER ANY connection TO TestUser

26 February 2015


Please follow the below steps to resolve the issue:

2. Copy the vbs file content
3. Create file on the server
4. Open CMD with elevated priviliages
5. Run the below command

Cscript FindSQLInstalls.vbs %computername%_sql_install_details.txt

This will create a output file i the same path.

Now open the file: verify the files missing and use copy  files to the windows\installer file

Example run the below command in same CMD:

Copy "C:\SQL2012 Enterprise with SP1\PCUSOURCE\x64\setup\sql_is.msp" C:\Windows\Installer\223529.msp 

Do this for all files and re-run the setup. Issue resolved.

VBS code: copy and paste in a text file and rename file to FindSQLInstalls.vbs 
 ' Copyright © Microsoft Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.
' This code released under the terms of the
' Microsoft Public License (MS-PL,

On Error Resume Next

Dim arrSubKeys, arrSubKeys2
Dim objFSO, objShell, objFile, objReg, objConn, objExec
Dim strComputer, strKeyPath, strNewSource
Dim strWorkstationName, strDBPath, strSubKey, strSubKey2(), strKeyPath02,  strRetValue00
Dim strRetValue01, strRetValue02, strRetValNew02, strRetValNew03, strRetValNew04, strRetValNew05, strRetValNew06, strRetValNew07, strRetValNew08, strRetValNew09, strRetValue10, strRetValNew10, strRetValNew11, strRetValNew12, strRetValNew13, strRetValNew14, strRetValNew14a, strRetValNew14b, strRetValNew15, strRetValNew15a, strRetValNew15b, strRetValNew16, strRetValNew17, strRetValNew18

Const HKCR = &H80000000 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppEnding = 8

' Checking for Elevated permissions
Dim oShell, oExec
szStdOutszStdOut = ""
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oExec = oShell.Exec("whoami /groups")

Do While (oExec.Status = cnWshRunning)
    WScript.Sleep 100
       if not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream Then
                szStdOut = szStdOut & oExec.StdOut.ReadAll
       end If
 select case oExec.ExitCode
   case 0
       if not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream Then
           szStdOut = szStdOut & oExec.StdOut.ReadAll
       End If
       If instr(szStdOut,"Mandatory Label\High Mandatory Level") Then
                wscript.echo "Elevated, executing script and gathering requested data"
           if instr(szStdOut,"Mandatory Label\Medium Mandatory Level")  Then
          Wscript.echo "Not Elevated must run from Administrative commmand line."
          Wscript.echo "Gathering requested data..."
           end If
      End If
   case Else
       if not oExec.StdErr.AtEndOfStream Then
          wscript.echo oExec.StdErr.ReadAll
       end If
       end select

' Leaving strNewSource will result in no search path updating.
' Currently DO NOT EDIT these.
strNewSource = ""
strNewRTMSource = ""

' Define string values
strComputer = "."
strSQLName = "SQL"
strDotNetName = ".NET"
strVStudioName = "Visual Studio"
strXML = "XML"
strOWC = "Microsoft Office 2003 Web Components"
strKeyPath = "Installer\Products"
strKeyPath2 = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products"
strNValue00 = "ProductName"
strNValue01 = "PackageName"
strNValue02 = "LastUsedSource"
strNValue03 = "InstallSource"
strNValue04 = "LocalPackage"
strNValue05 = "DisplayVersion"
strNValue06 = "InstallDate"
strNValue07 = "UninstallString"
strNValue08 = "PackageCode"
strNValue09 = "MediaPackage"
strNValue10 = "InstallSource"
strNValue11 = "AllPatches"
strNValue12 = "NoRepair"
strNValue13 = "MoreInfoURL"
strNValue14 = "PackageName"
strNValue15 = "LastUsedSource"
strNValue16 = "Uninstallable"
strNValue17 = "DisplayName"
strNValue18 = "Installed"

If WScript.arguments.count <> 1 Then
   WScript.echo "Usage: cscript " & WScript.scriptname & " outputfilename.txt"
End If

'--Setup the output file
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set txtFile = fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.arguments(0), ForWriting, True)
If err.number <> 0 Then
    WScript.echo "Error 0x" & myHex(err.number,8) & ": " & err.source & " - " & err.description
End If

txtFile.writeline "Products installed on the local system"
txtFile.writeline " "
txtFile.writeline " "

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

'--Set up the registry provider.
Set objReg = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & _

Set wiInstaller = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")

'--Enumerate the "installer\products" key on HKCR
objReg.EnumKey HKCR, strKeyPath, arrSubKeys

For Each strSubKey In arrSubKeys

' Define the various registry paths
strProduct01 = "Installer\Products\" & strSubKey
strKeyPath02 = "Installer\Products\" & strSubKey & "\SourceList"
strKeyPath03 = "Installer\Products\" & strSubKey & "\SourceList\Media"
strInstallSource = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\" & strSubKey & "\InstallProperties\"
strInstallSource2 = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\" & strSubKey & "\patches\"
strInstallSource3 = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Patches"
strInstallSource5 = "SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Patches\"
strInstallSource6 = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\"
strInstallSource7 = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\"
strInstallSource8 = "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\"

' Pull the intial values
objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strProduct01, strNValue00, strRetValue00
objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strKeyPath02, strNValue01, strRetValue01
objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strKeyPath02, strNValue02, strRetValue02
strRetValNew02 = Mid(strRetValue02, 5)
objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strKeyPath03, strNValue09, strRetValue09
strRetValue10 = strNewRTMSource & strRetValue09
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource, strNValue03, strRetValNew03
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource, strNValue04, strRetValNew04
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource, strNValue05, strRetValNew05
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource, strNValue06, strRetValNew06
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource, strNValue07, strRetValNew07
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource, strNValue10, strRetValNew10
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource, strNValue12, strRetValNew12
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource, strNValue13, strRetValNew13
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource2, strNValue11, strRetValNew11

' Pull the Product Code from the Uninstall String
strProdCode = strRetValNew07
  ProdCodeLen = Len(strProdCode)
  ProdCodeLen = ProdCodeLen - 14
strRetValNew08 = Right(strProdCode, ProdCodeLen)

' Pull out path from LastUsedSource
strGetRealPath = strRetValue02
  GetRealPath = Len(strRetValue02)
strRealPath = Mid(strRetValue02, 5, GetRealPath)

' Identifie the string in the ProductName
If instr(1, strRetValue00, strSQLName, 1) Then
' Start the log output
    txtFile.writeline "================================================================================"
    txtFile.writeline "PRODUCT NAME   : " & strRetValue00
    txtFile.writeline "================================================================================"
    txtFile.writeline "  Product Code: " & strRetValNew08
    txtFile.writeline "  Version     : " & strRetValNew05
    txtFile.writeline "  Most Current Install Date: " & strRetValNew06
    txtFile.writeline "  Target Install Location: "  & strRetValNew13
    txtFile.writeline "  Registry Path: "
    txtFile.writeline "   HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\" & strKeyPath02
    txtFile.writeline "     Package    : " & strRetValue01
    txtFile.writeline "  Install Source: " & strRetValue10
    txtFile.writeline "  LastUsedSource: " & strRetValue02
'   txtFile.writeline "Does this file on this path exist? " & strRetValNew02 & "\" & strRetValue01
    If fso.fileexists(strRetValNew02 & "\" & strRetValue01) Then
    txtFile.writeline  " "
        txtFile.writeline "    " & strRetValue01 & " exists on the LastUsedSource path, no actions needed."
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline " !!!! " & strRetValue01 & " DOES NOT exist on the path in the path " & strRealPath & " !!!!"
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline " Action needed, re-establish the path to " & strRealPath
' Placeholder for altering the LastUsedSource by adding source location and Forcing search of list
'        If strNewSource <> "" Then
'        txtFile.writeline "      New Install Source Path Added: " & strNewSource
'        wiInstaller.AddSource strRetValNew08, "", strNewSource
'        Else
'        If strNewRTMSource <> "" Then
'        wiInstaller.AddSource strRetValNew08, "", strNewRTMSource
'        txtFile.writeline "      Forcing SourceList Resolution For: " & strRetValNew08
'        wiInstaller.ForceSourceListResolution strRetValNew08, ""
'        End If
'        End If
    End If
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "Installer Cache File: " & strRetValNew04
    If fso.fileexists(strRetValNew04) Then
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "    Package exists in the Installer cache, no actions needed."
        txtFile.writeline "    Any missing packages will update automatically if needed assuming that"
        txtFile.writeline "    the LastUsedSource exists."
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "    Should you get errors about " & strRetValNew04 & " or " & strRealPath & strRetValue01 & " then you"
        txtFile.writeline "    may need to manually copy the file, if file exists replace the problem file, "
        txtFile.writeline "    Copy and paste the following command line into an administrative command prompt:"
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Copy " & chr(34) & strRealPath  & strRetValue01 & chr(34) & " " &strRetValNew04
        txtFile.writeline " "
    ElseIf fso.fileexists(strRetValNew02 & "\" & strRetValue01) Then
              fso.CopyFile strRetValNew02 & "\" & strRetValue01, strRetValNew04
        If fso.fileexists(strRetValNew04) Then
          txtFile.writeline " "
          txtFile.writeline "     Missing cache file replaced by copying " & strRealPath  & strRetValue01 & " to " & strRetValNew04
          txtFile.writeline "     Previously missing package " & strRetValNew04 &  " now exists in the Installer cache."
          txtFile.writeline " "
        End If
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
        txtFile.writeline " !!!! " & strRetValNew04 & " DOES NOT exist in the Installer cache. !!!!"
        txtFile.writeline " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Action needed, recreate or re-establish path to the directory:"
        txtFile.writeline "       " & strRealPath & "then rerun this script to update installer cache and results"
        txtFile.writeline "     The path on the line above must exist at the root location to resolve"
        txtFile.writeline "     this problem with your msi/msp file not being found or corrupted,"
        txtFile.writeline "     In some cases you may need to manually copy the missing file or manually"
        txtFile.writeline "     replace the problem file overwriting it is exist: "
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Copy " & chr(34) & strRealPath  & strRetValue01 & chr(34) & " " &strRetValNew04
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Replace the existing file if prompted to do so."
        txtFile.writeline " "
    End If
    txtFile.writeline " "
    txtFile.writeline strRetValue00 & " Patches Installed "
    txtFile.writeline "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

    objReg.EnumKey HKLM, strInstallSource2, arrSubKeys2
    uUpperBounds = UBound(arrSubKeys2,1)
     If err.number = 0  Then
        For Each strSubKey2 in arrSubKeys2
    '    WScript.echo "value = " & strSubKey2

strKeyPath04 = "Installer\Patches\" & strSubKey2 & "\SourceList"

     objReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM, strInstallSource2 & "\" & strSubKey2 & "\", strNValue16, strRetValue16
     objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strKeyPath04, strNValue15, strRetValue15a
     objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strKeyPath04, strNValue14, strRetValue14a
     objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strKeyPath02, strNValue15, strRetValue15b
     objReg.GetStringValue HKCR, strKeyPath02, strNValue14, strRetValue14b
     objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource2 & "\" & strSubKey2 & "\", strNValue17, strRetValue17
     objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource2 & "\" & strSubKey2 & "\", strNValue18, strRetValue18
     objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource2 & "\" & strSubKey2 & "\", strNValue13, strRetValue13a
     objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, strInstallSource3 & "\" & strSubKey2 & "\", strNValue04, strRetValue04a

' Pull the URL from the MoreInfoURL String
strMoreInfoURL = strRetValue13a
  MoreInfoURLLen = Len(strMoreInfoURL)
strRetValue13b = Right(strMoreInfoURL, 42)

' Pull the URL from the LastUsedPath String
strLastUsedPath = strRetValue15a
  LastUsedPathLen = Len(strLastUsedPath)
  'LastUsedPathLen = LastUsedPathLen - 15
strRetValue15c = Mid(strLastUsedPath, 5)

      txtFile.writeline " Display Name:    " & strRetValue17
      txtFile.writeline " KB Article URL:  " & strRetValue13b
      txtFile.writeline " Install Date:    " & strRetValue18
              txtFile.writeline "   Uninstallable:   " & strRetValue16
      txtfile.writeline " Patch Details: "
      txtFile.writeline "   HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Patches\" & strSubKey2
              txtFile.writeline "   PackageName:   " & strRetValue14a
' Determine if someone has modified the Uninstallable state from 0 to 1 allowing possible unexpected uninstalls
              txtFile.writeline "    Patch LastUsedSource: " & strRetValue15a
              txtFile.writeline "   Installer Cache File Path:     " & strRetValue04a
        txtFile.writeline "     Per " & strInstallSource3 & "\" & strSubKey2 & "\" & strNValue04
              mspFileName = (strRetValue15c  & strRetValue14a)
      If strRetValue14a <> "" Then
      If fso.fileexists(strRetValue04a) Then
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "    Package exists in the Installer cache, no actions needed."
        txtFile.writeline "    Package will update automatically if needed assuming that"
        txtFile.writeline "    the LastUsedSource exists."
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "    Should you get errors about " & strRetValue04a & " or " & strRetValue15c  & strRetValue14a & " then you"
        txtFile.writeline "    may need to manually copy missing files, if file exists replace the problem file, "
        txtFile.writeline "    Copy and paste the following command line into an administrative command prompt."
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Copy " & chr(34) & strRetValue15c  & strRetValue14a & chr(34) & " " & strRetValue04a
        txtFile.writeline " "
      ElseIf fso.fileexists(mspFileName) Then
              fso.CopyFile mspFileName, strRetValue04a
          If fso.fileexists(strRetValue04a) Then
          txtFile.writeline " "
          txtFile.writeline " Missing cache file replaced by copying " & strRetValue15c  & strRetValue14a & " to " & strRetValue04a
          txtFile.writeline " Previously missing package " & strRetValNew04 &  " now exists in the Installer cache."
          txtFile.writeline " "
          End If
'        End If
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "!!!! " & strRetValue04a & " package DOES NOT exist in the Installer cache. !!!!"
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Action needed, recreate or re-establish path to the directory:"
        txtFile.writeline "       " & strRetValue15c & " then rerun this script to update installer cache and results"
        txtFile.writeline "     The path on the line above must exist at the root location to resolve"
        txtFile.writeline "     this problem with your msi/msp file not being found or corrupted,"
        txtFile.writeline "     In some cases you may need to manually copy missing files or manually"
        txtFile.writeline "     replace the problem file, "
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Copy " & chr(34) & strRetValue15c  & strRetValue14a & chr(34) & " " & strRetValue04a
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Replace the existing file if prompted to do so."
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline "     Use the following URL to assist with downloading the patch:"
        txtFile.writeline "      " & strRetValue13b
        txtFile.writeline " "
        txtFile.writeline " "
      End If
        txtFile.writeline " "
     End If
        txtfile.writeline " "
        txtfile.Writeline "  No Patches Found"
        txtfile.writeline " "
    End If

    End If

Set txtFile = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing


18 February 2015

The SQL Server instance specified in SSIS service configuration is not present or is not available.

Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc)

For help, click:


The SQL Server instance specified in SSIS service configuration is not present or is not available. This might occur when there is no default instance of SQL Server on the computer. For more information, see the topic "Configuring the Integration Services Service" in SQL Server 2012 Books Online.

Login timeout expired
A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books Online.
SQL Server Network Interfaces: Error Locating Server/Instance Specified [xFFFFFFFF].  (MsDtsSrvr)


Login timeout expired
A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books Online.
SQL Server Network Interfaces: Error Locating Server/Instance Specified [xFFFFFFFF].  (Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0)


Location of SQL Server Integration Services Configuration File

SQL Server Integration Service (SSIS Service) relies on “MsDtsSrvr.ini.xml” configuration file for its settings. By default the configuration file is located in %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\xxx\DTS\Binn folder. Where “xxx” referes to the SQL Server Version.

  •  STOP SSIS Services
  • Replace the Server Name node with Clustered Instance Name (replace “.” or ".\OLDSERVERNAME"  With cluster instance name i.e., SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME)

  • Restart the SQL Server Integration Service (SSIS Service).

15 February 2015

Cluster NODE B/NODE C SQL Server Cluster Resources Failed to Come Online on a NODE A after removal and adding Node back to cluster.

On a 3 Node Cluster NODE B/NODE C SQL Server Cluster Resources Failed to Come Online on a NODE A after removal and adding Node back to cluster.

Event ID 1069: Cluster resource 'SQL Server (SQLPC)' in clustered service or application 'SQL (C)' failed.

Event ID 1230 : Cluster resource 'SQL Server (SQLPC)' (resource type '', DLL 'sqsrvres.dll') either crashed or deadlocked. The Resource Hosting Subsystem (RHS) process will now attempt to terminate, and the resource will be marked to run in a separate monitor.

 In this picture we can note that except SQL Server Resources all other resources are coming online.

Issue Caused:
SQL Server Services are missing in services.msc for the rest of the nodes hence resource is not coming online.

But SQL Services of NODE A will come online as services are present for this instance.



S1: NODE A: Move the instance to C.
S2: NODE B: Move the instance to C.
S3: Make sure NODE A and NODE B are passive.
S4: Now on NODE A, Start add node from CMD/GUI.
E:\SQL 2012 Ent Edition with SP2 64bit\Setup.exe /SkipRules=Cluster_VerifyForErrors /Action=AddNode
S5: Now select NODE B, i.e SQLPB and click install and follow on screen guidelines (this will install services)
S6: Install SP and CU applicable on NODE A only for SQLPB (NODE B Instance) to bring instance to the same level .
S7: Verify the SQL Server Services are installed.
S8: Now move Node A-A, B-B verify
S9: Now move Node B- A.
S10: All resources will be online.

14 February 2015

Unable to rename ' DBNAME'


Rename failed for Database 'XXXXXX'.  (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

For help, click:

Solution :

use master




12 February 2015

Tempdb Corruption

For the longest time the guidance around tempdb is that if you shrink it on a live system then it could cause tempdb corruption.

Remember though, shrinking should be a rare operation, whether data or log file shrinking – and never a regular operation.

22 January 2015

The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_help', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'.


Msg 229, Level 14, State 5, Procedure sp_help, Line 1
The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_help', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'.

Use Master
GRANT EXECUTE ON sp_help to Public

20 January 2015

Encryption Key for the Reporting Services Fails


ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.WMIProviderException: An unknown error has occurred in the WMI Provider. 
---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0XXXXXX): Password doesn't meet the requirements of the filter dll's 

Solution :

Remove the custom password filter on:
         HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA - Notification Packages

06 January 2015