
01 October 2010

Microsoft SQL Sever management Studio: Failed to open connection dialog

Error : Microsoft SQL Sever management Studio: Failed to open connection dialog. Even after reinstalling the client tools still the error persists.

This is a common question in the forums and newsgroups when any of the SQL Client tools gets corrupted. There might be chances that few times by reinstalling the client tools and if there is an issue with a corrupted or deleted (mistakenly) a .DLL file then the only way is to repair the tools.

You can either follow the GUI with SETUP of Management Studio tools or use the command-line operation.

Repairing SQL Server is a command-line operation. You can repair by inserting the installation media into the disk drive and typing the following:

start /wait \setup.exe /qb REINSTALL=SQL_Tools90 REINSTALLMODE=OMUS

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