
28 October 2013

SQL Server Services In Change Pending State

Problem :-

Unable to start SQL Server Services


1. Verifiy the SQL Server Log
2. Found issue because of SPN

 The SQL Server Network Interface library successfully deregistered the Service Principal Name (SPN) [ MSSQLSvc/ ] for the SQL Server service. 

3. Register the SPN

setspn -A  MSSQLSvc/ [domain\accountname]

4. Bring SQL Services Online.


For SQL server Standalone

SetSPN -A MSSQLSvc/ComputerName.DomainName:port  AccountName

So for a multi-server instance you must configure the SPN for each instance, for each instance of SQL Server usefulness port TCP / IP only. For the port of the proceeding open SQL Server Configuration Manager>> Right click the instance>> TCP / IP protocol (default port)

For cluster

SetSPN -A MSSQLSvc/virtualName.DomainName:portAccountName
SetSPN -A MSSQLSvc/virtualName.DomainName AccountName

For an instance of SQL Server cluster, you must use the FQDN of the virtual SQL server. You must also configure the SPN with a port and a second SPN without the port.


Then you can confirm that the operation went smoothly with the following command:

SetSPN -L AccountName

SQL server side to check, you can use the DMV sys.dm_exec_connections with the column auth_scheme :
select auth_scheme from sys.dm_exec_connections where session_id=@@spid
If kerberos is used, you should see "KERBEROS".

Few More Solutions

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